Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Boot party at Kamasengre Mixed Secondary School

Kamasengre Mixed's bulletin board.
One of our introductory posts explained this trip's connection with Operation My People and the reason we would deliver 36 pairs of soccer boots and jerseys to the boys and girls clubs of Kamasengre Mixed Secondary School. Here's the confirmation that the donations arrived intact and were well received.

Both duffle bags arrived in Kenya without problem, sailed through customs and made it with us to Rusinga. Timm and I brought them to the school and found out the gift was opportune: the KMSS boys had just won the zonal championship, and would be playing for the regional title on July 7. (I haven't heard whether they won again or not.)
KMSS Deputy Principal Steven Ngesa with the zonal championship trophy.
Whether or not there were important games in the near future, the soccer cleats and jerseys clearly strengthened the relationship between OMP and the Kamasengre school, and the students were very excited to try on the new kits. Timm and I took advantage of our warm welcome and hung around the school for another day. (Or perhaps the students took advantage, springing out of class to sit in the shade talking to Americans for a few hours.)

I'll write more about our time at Kamasengre Mixed in another post, it deserves its own space. For now photos will tell the rest of the story about the donation.
Everyone gathers in assembly for the big surprise...
...the guests give a little speech...

...and Timm breaks out the goods.
The boys squad starts the modeling.
The girls try on their kits.

KMSS Principal Peter Okomo inspects the boots.

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